Spring allergies can be a pain in the butt, but what is worse than waking up in the morning with scratchy eyes and itchy skin caused by your comforter or pillow? Overtime, dust mites can accumulate in your bedding, something that over 20 million Americans suffer from. By cleaning your down and feather products you are going to reduce your allergies and sleep comfortably! Here's how you can clean your down and feather at home without them getting destroyed.
Remove pillowcases and duvet coverings. Ensure that all seams and stitching are tight and that everything is in pristine condition. You do not want to have any fill spilling out of the bedding before you throw it into the washer to properly clean your down and feather.
Don't overfill the washer. A typical washer can hold a comforter or two pillows, but a comforter and one pillow is too much. Use a tiny amount of laundry detergent. Since you are using fluffy products, it is easy for the washer to over-foam with too much detergent, so use less than you would if you were doing a load of clothing. Use the gentle cycle on your washer to prevent the items from getting ripped or unbalanced.
By using a high heat hotter than 130 degrees Fahrenheit in the dryer you are going to kill dust mites and get rid of those morning allergies. However, if you are concerned about color fading dry the bedding at the hottest dryer setting, which will be lower than 130 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also hang your bedding on a clothesline on a nice summer day to avoid any high temperatures or risk of fading colors.
Which ever way you decide to dry your bedding, take the time to break up clumps of bedding so that it can dry properly. As always, follow the instructions on the bedding for proper cleaning and maintenance to be sure that you clean your down and feather properly.
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