Are you one of the 40 million Americans who suffer from a sleep disorder? If you think you might be suffering from a sleep disorder but are not sure it is always best to schedule a visit with your doctor to discuss your problems. Here are some of the most common sleeping disorders.
1. Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder. This disorder makes it hard for you to wake up at normal times for activities. When you do fall asleep, it is restful and uninterrupted, but when you try waking up at a normal time it is extremely hard. Only about 2% of people suffering from a sleep disorder is diagnosed with this disorder.
2. Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder. This condition involves falling asleep before 9 p.m. and waking earlier in the morning without being able to fall asleep. It is most common in older people, with some doctors saying it is more of an aging process than a disorder.
3. Shift Work. If you are someone who works different shifts at your job, you could be suffering from shift work disorder. With the constant changing of sleep patterns you can experience an increase in alcohol and tranquilizer use as well as chronic sleep disorders. About 22% of U.S. workers are shift workers and suffer from shift work disorder.
4. Obstructive Sleep Apnea. When you have a temporary blockage of the upper airways during sleep, your breathing stops and interrupts your sleep. You most likely don't remember these short awakenings but you will notice that it affects the quality of your sleep. Loud, consistent snoring is a major sign of obstructive sleep apnea and about 4% of men and 2% of women suffer from this disorder.
5. Narcolepsy. This is one of the most extreme sleep disorders as it involves an incredible amount of sleepiness during the day. You could be falling asleep mid-sentence, at work or while driving. Sudden loss of muscle tone and vivid hallucinations while you are falling asleep are some other signs of narcolepsy. This is not a very common sleep disorder with only about 1 in 100,000 Americans suffer from narcolepsy.
These five sleep disorders are not the only ones that people suffer from, but they are the ones that doctors will rule out when they suspect a common sleep disorder. Make sure you are getting the sleep that you need and making your bedroom as comfortable as possible.
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