Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why does my bed cause a rash?

Have you been waking up lately and felt the insane urge to scratch your skin off it was so itchy? Or many not so extreme, but you've woken up with a rash on your body and you're asking yourself, 'Why does my bed cause a rash?"

There can be many reasons why you wake up with a rash. The number one concern is always bed bugs. Bed bugs feed on human blood and are most active at night when you are sleeping. Anybody can get bed bugs because they infest in luggage, backpacks, bedding, shoes, clothing and they can hide anywhere.

Some ways you can tell if you have bed bugs are if you have itchy skin welts, small blood smears on your bedding from crushed bugs, tiny dark spots on your sheets, or dried remains of shed bed bug skins.  If you have any of these and suspect bed bugs, you will need to hire a pest control company to ensure you kill all of the bugs.

If you have another form of welt or something that looks like a bite it could be a spider or other insect bite. Keeping your bedroom and your bed clean is going to help reduce the number of insects that could be crawling around your bed.

Unlike bed bugs and insect bites, another cause for a bed rash is hives. Hives can be anywhere on your body and are typically due to an allergic reaction. This allergic reaction could be from your sheets if your skin is sensitive to different materials. It could also be from the detergent used to clean your sheets or any lotion you might apply to your skin before bed. To find out the cause, eliminate one of the culprits and determine if that is what is causing the hives. Find organic, all natural bedding to help reduce the risk of allergic reactions.

Figure out why your bed is causing a rash by taking simple steps to solve the problem. By changing one thing at a time you will find the cause and be able to control any rashes you currently have. If you have any questions about your bedding please contact us at

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