Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Make your Bedroom The Best Room

Your bedroom might have multiple different uses, whether you use it as a home office, a place to get away from roommates or family, do your morning yoga, or just to relax. You have probably heard that your bedroom should be used for one thing and one thing only: sleep. So how can you make your bedroom comfortable for you?

Making your bedroom as comfortable as possible can drastically improve your overall sleep. One way you can do that is by making the lighting in your room as dim as possible. Dim lighting is easier on your eyes and will not cause your eyes to strain. Your body is trained to sleep when it's dark, so dim lighting will give your body the hint that it's time for sleep. Make sure to avoid any of those bright lights from alarm clocks, televisions and cell phones as the lighting from those can make it harder for you to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Keep your bedroom cool. Your body naturally cools down when you are sleeping, so a colder temperature will help get you to sleep a lot faster. It is advised to aim for 5 to 10 degrees cooler than what you set your temperature for during the day. You will find that a cooler temperature is a lot more comfortable for sleeping.

Avoid as much noise as possible. Some people prefer to sleep with music on or a fan blowing because the sound puts them to sleep easier and this is because it is soothing. However, if you have a train going by every couple of hours or other disrupting sounds try to find a way to block out that unwanted noise.

Get rid of anything in your room that does not involve sleep. That television, computer and treadmill are all stress factors and can make it harder for you to fall asleep. Your bedroom is meant for sleeping and nothing else.

If you find yourself struggling to fall asleep and to stay asleep every night, consider changing some of the factors. Adjust the temperature, remove any light and noise and you might find yourself sleeping comfortable throughout the night. 

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